I don’t know about you but setting my clock forward in the spring is always painful. I’ve never been a rise-and-shine-at-the-crack-of-dawn kind of person, and my morning routine isn’t complete without at least one cup of coffee. This year might be the last time we have to adjust our clocks (fingers crossed) and I’m determined to do it right. Here is my recipe for springing ahead with the least amount of pain.
Friday PM
1. Make sure you have the necessary supplies: coffee, tea, supplements, etc. I’m relying on Caffe Vita Rose Gold coffee and OM Mushroom Master Blend to get me going
2. Set your Saturday morning alarm for for an hour earlier than you normally rise (one day before the official time change).
Saturday AM
1. Drink a full glass of water as soon as you get out of bed and have a cup of coffee, tea, adaptogenic brew, or smoothie.
2. Get moving! A short walk around the neighborhood will help your body adjust and help you make the most of your day.
Saturday PM
3. Set your alarm back to your regular waking time.
4. Go to bed early: I like to shut my devices off, grab a cup of mint tea, and read a book an hour before I want to sleep.
Sunday AM
1. Drink a full glass of water as soon as you get out of bed and have a cup of coffee, tea, adaptogenic brew, or smoothie.
2. Get moving! A short walk around the neighborhood will help your body adjust and help you make the most of your day.
3. Go to Metropolitan Market for a free cup of Caffe Vita Rose Gold single-origin coffee!